We are a group for 0-4s and those caring for them. We run every Wednesday 9-10.45am (term time only).
It provides a wonderful opportunity to meet with other parents/grandparents/carers and the children have lots of space to play and interact with other children!
We have lots of different toys for the children to explore and each week we have a different craft for them to do. During our sessions we also have a time for singing some nursery rhymes together and the children are each given a snack while they listen to a story.
Join us from 9am on Wednesdays (term time only).
Come along to have fun and meet new friends.​​
We would be grateful if you would contribute £2 per child each visit, which goes towards hire of the community hall, refreshments, snacks and craft. Without your contributions we would not be able to keep this group going.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more email